Sounds great
This sounds really good, nice piece of work
Sounds great
This sounds really good, nice piece of work
thanks mate
My subs found this sound to be very pleasant, as so did my ears :D
i figured people with subs would love it... im glad... thanx for the review..
pretty decent strings and synths
only at some points it seemed to miss a beat to be trance, now its mostly ambient, at the end of the song though, it seems as if there's a beat coming up, but it isn't that kinda put me down a bit. I like the overall feel but i'm just missing a beat.
Thanks for the review. I can see what you mean. Sorry it kinda put you down, but hopefully it was mostly enjoyable. Just submitted "Terraform: Phase I" recently - probably my best piece so far. Check it out.
audi 5000,
dj bubbafett
This is so awesome
when the bass kicks in at 1.11 thats when I nearly fell of my seat, this is some underground shit, this is the shit that passes around at 5 am in the morning whilst your head is only 2 inches away from the speakers whilst your dancing your as off in a wall of fog. This is some crazy shit, just awesome!!
you're flattering me :), thanks for the rev!
Age 35, Male
producer/vj/gaark ee
Joined on 4/13/03